Listen to Your Body: When to Push It and When to Back Off
Obviously there is going to be some distress during training. Muscles have to go through some physical stress in order for the body to learn to adapt to new demands placed on it as well to make the physical gains that result with training. Training is basically programming the muscles to become stronger and more efficient.
So, how do you know when it is good to push through for improvements in fitness or to pull back because trouble is on the horizon? Paying attention to how your body feels is critical to avoiding major setbacks in your training and this can be done by recognizing signs during these 3 instances:
- During Your Training Session: It is not uncommon to feel some soreness or pain while training or working out. No pain, no gain-that's how the old saying goes, right?Gravity can be a bugger and even the most well cushioned shoes and forgiving surfaces can't eliminate the shock. However, pain that is more intense than just slightly uncomfortable should not be pushed through, especially if a particular joint or muscle is giving your problems. Back off the pace, decrease the distance, or to be completely safe, take the day off or cross train.
- After Your Training Session: Because training is intended to push the body slightly beyond its current capabilities in order to make gains, some soreness, pain, and fatigue can be expected in the days following an intense training bout. However, soreness that shows up 1-2 days after the training session and lasts nearly a week before disappearing is another thing. This is called delayed onset muscle soreness and can be common after running races,interval type training,or any other type of workout that you are not used to. While it is good that these muscles will repair themselves and be stronger than before, it is best to stick with easy runs until the symptoms have subsided.
- Age Impedance: While for the most part it is safe to say that things get better with age, recovery after training is not one of them. As we age, we just become more prone to pain. One of the reasons for this is the decrease in muscle mass that seems to occur with age. For most, this is due to inactivity, but to a degree this is just part of the aging process. This means that the muscle cells that we do have will be taken through the ringer during racing and workouts. The second reason is that with age our repair mechanisms are just a little slower to respond. While the muscles will come back stronger and better adapted, it just may take more time. This may mean more rest days between intense workouts or spend some time cross training to eliminate the possibility of debilitating injuries from pushing it too hard. Recovery must be a priority.
It is no fun to be sidelined by injuries and overtraining. By listening to your body, you will be able to minimize setbacks and accomplish your training goals. Check out this site featuringthe best home gyms for more information on equipment that can build strength and help you with your fitness goals and objectives.
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(Read more posts by Jensen108)
Posted in: Health,Useful Guides by Jensen108 on March 16, 2013 @ 9:58 pm