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Losing Weight and Fat: Herbs, Supplements & Diet Guidelines

Looking to lose a few centimetres? Read on.

The most common complaint is that one just needs to lose a few centimetres “around”. This article is designed to provide you with some hints, tips, herbs and supplements to enable you to do just this and look fantastic.

Herbs & Spices

We will start with some spices that you can add to zing up your dishes and help increase your metabolism. These are things that you can add to either savoury or sweet meals including breakfast.

  • Turmeric – helps reduce inflammation, which recent  studies of which are  seemingly showing that high levels of inflammation may well be a significant factor in weight gain, as well as impeding the ability to lose weight.
  • Cinnamon – ideal to sprinkle over oats in the morning, just make sure you are using the unirradiated spice. Cinnamon helps regulate blood sugar and insulin levels, plus it has the added bonus that it protects against diabetes while regulating hunger.
  • Cayenne pepper – which contains a fascinating compound (the name is far too long and complicated to spell), has shown excellent capacity to increase the bodies fat burning ability.
  • Ginger – did someone say stir fry!? Both fresh and powdered ginge rhave shown promise in reducing appetite and controlling cravings.
  • Black pepper – that simple spice we all add to our meals. One of the components that gives pepper its flavour also aids in increasing the bodies calorie burning ability through a process called thermogenesis.
  • Coriander – also another spice that can be eaten fresh, but it also can be used as seeds or powder. It has shown promise in increasing metabolic functioning , as well as potential increasing weight loss.
  • Cumin – add this to all your already spiced dishes, when used in combination with other spices it has been shown to better weight loss.

Herbal Tea

For a cup of herbal tea with your meals, it is recommended to drink either of the following:


  • Green tea, which has had much press in the last few years has really shown well proven benefits when it comes to boosting the metabolism and aiding weight loss. The other extensive benefits include preventing diabetes and cancer!
  • Peppermint – we all happily suck on a peppermint sweet or chew peppermint gum after a meal, but try drinking the tea on a regular basis. Peppermint has shown significant potential in reducing appetite, but it also aids digestion. Just inhale the delicious aroma and it will reduce the appetite!


Now the big buzz words, with what do I supplement in the way of herbs and other alternative remedies? There are so many on the market, but these are by far the best documented and most popular.

  • Green Tea Extract – extremely effective for boosting the metabolism. The specific compound in green tea which does this is called catechins. Catechins are antioxidants, which increase metabolism and stimulate the bodies abaft burning ability. Always look for a standardised supplement which has the levels of the active ingredients measured so that you are ensured of the highest possible levels of the active ingredients. The recommended levels for supplementation are 400-800mg per day, but this may vary from brand to brand. Always stick to the recommend dosage on the packaging of the brand you choose to purchase.
  • Fish oil – yes I can hear you thinking it – BUT it is fatty! Omega 3 in fish oils is a vital component for regulating the way the body utilises fat. When there are enough Omega 3s in the body, the body will use fat as fuel. Regular supplementation with fish oils also seem to reduce the craving for fats, also on the plus side is that it reduces inflammation, makes skin more supple, feeds the brain and helps prevent dry eyes. When supplementing with fish oils it is vital to make sure that you supplement with purified fish oils. Unfortunately most fatty fish, besides having high levels of the omega 3 so vital for our systems also are contaminated with things like heavy metals. It is also vital to look for omega 3 supplements that are high in EPA and DHA the active components in fish oils. The recommended levels for  daily supplementation are 1000 – 2000mg per day, but this may vary from brand to brand. Always stick to the recommend dosage on the packaging of the brand you purchase.
  • Glutamine – stop those cravings and fuel the brain. Regular L-Glutamine supplementation helps the body by fuelling the brain when blood sugar levels drop and instead of craving sugary or starchy food one can continue to function optimally and fuel the brain. The most important thing to remember when supplementing with amino acids is to take them between meals on an empty stomach. Stand supplementation is two 500-mg capsules three times a day. Always stick to the recommend dosage on the packaging of the brand you buy.
  • Hoodia gordonii – this is my personal favourite. It helps reduce cravings, especially taken between meals, particularly mid-morning and mid-afternoon. It also aids in when one is cutting the calories as it helps one feel less deprived! The recommended levels for supplementation are 450mg up to three times per day, but this may vary from brand to brand. Always stick to the recommend dosage on the packaging of the brand you purchase.
  • L-Carnitine – another amino acid which has shown excellent results in the field of weight regulation and loss. It helps especially when one is encountering what is termed metabolic resistance to weight loss, plus it aids in increasing ones energy levels and endurance too! The most important thing to remember when supplementing with amino acids is to take them between meals on an empty stomach. Stand supplementation is 500-mg capsules a day. Always stick to the recommend dosage on the packaging of the brand you buy.

Remember, these tips are all designed to aid weight loss and not only facilitate it. When combined with regular exercise, only 45 minutes three times a week for the most part you can shake off the extra in just a few weeks!



About The Author:
After eight years in the retail side of the health industry, much accumulation of knowledge and information I changed industries completely and gone back to my graphic design roots. I still wish to help inform people on natural alternatives, as well as help people when they are choosing to use natural alternatives to treat disorders, diseases and distresses.
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Posted in: Health by on December 6, 2014 @ 1:54 pm

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