Travel Safety Tips For Your Next Holiday Tours
Chances are, you will not get into any dangerous situation when you travel abroad; it pays to be extra careful when you travel outside of your own country. When travelling abroad, you can't help standing-out from the crowd. You will look different, speak a different language and move differently from the surrounding people. That is because you're a foreigner to them and while most local people will welcome you with open arms, some scrupulous individuals may take advantage of your vulnerability. For you to be vigilant and commence on your travel unafraid, it pays to know some travel safety tips.
Protect Your Luggage At All Times
You should never leave your belongings unattended. Nothing is more attractive to petty thieves than unattended luggage. To make sure any lost luggage can be returned to you by well-intentioned individuals who happen to recover it for you, always attach luggage tags which have a plastic cover. The plastic cover protects your contact information from uninvited viewers whilst being easy to spot for people who need your contact details when returning your things. To be able to keep an eye on your luggage at all times, practice travelling light. An average hand carry luggage and one checked-in baggage is enough to let you carry all of your necessities while allowing you to move quickly and without any hassle. Also your body will not suffer from any injury due to heavy lifting if you follow this important advice.
Don't Wear Fancy Clothing And Accessories
Clothing that is very stylish and fancy can be uncomfortable to wear and might not allow you to move around easily. Also you become an easy target since criminals will not have to look far for any victims since you will easily catch their attention. Wearing expensive jewellery such as those made of 24-carat gold is a magnet for snatchers and armed thieves. So be sure to leave those valuable things at home and just bring costume jewels that are nice to look at although very cheap.
Ride Only Safe Taxis
Taxis that are authorized to operate by local authorities have clearly identified markings. Most of them have taxi numbers and they must have an official license plate. If you see an unmarked cab trying to get commuters like you, try to avoid them at all times. Also, don't sit beside the driver as you will be more vulnerable to an attack. Always take the back seat so that you will be able to see the driver at all times without him seeing you.
Drive Safely
If you are driving a rental car, always drive on well-travelled roads. Avoid taking dark streets and narrow alleyways just so you can make a short-cut to your destination. Also, try to park in well-lit areas since criminals usually stay away from these locations to avoid being detected.
If you are going on a holiday abroad like India Tours and you are concerned about your safety, then you don't have to worry. Simply visit Boutique Tours - India Tours and they will provide the safest tours in India which will also give you the best adventure of a lifetime.
Admin note: I found a cool online course called Pencil Drawing Made Easy that specializes in taking beginners and teaching them how to draw in a realistic style. The course itself is online video, so you can access it from anywhere in the world. I will do a full review of the course soon, but for now I just want you to know that I think it's definitely worth checking out, and you're sure to get better at drawing if you follow the lessons. I'm already learning a lot from it! The course teaches you how to draw ANYTHING realistically in pencil - from onions to hands to hyper realistic portraits. The teacher explains everything really well, so you'll understand exactly what you're doing and why. Click here to check it out!
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Posted in: Useful Guides by Jensen108 on October 17, 2013 @ 11:22 pm