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How to get rid of constipation

Being constipated is something that most people with encounter at some point in life. Constipation can also cause many colon diseases, like hemorrhoids, varicose veins, colitis, diverticulotis and even colon cancer. It's important to eat the right foods, but it's also important to get rid of waste properly. Scientific studies have found that people with [...]

24 inch rims and tires

So you want some shiny new 24 inch rims for your vehicle? There are many different types of rims, and the prices are going to vary a lot depending on what brand you buy and the material they're constructed from. They can me made from chrome, steel, aluminum or alloy. Steel rims are generally the [...]

The Doctrine of the Atonement (part 5) - God's Plan for Salvation

When God created Adam and Eve, they were created in His "image," i.e. they had God's spiritual life and could have fellowship with Him. When they sinned, they became spiritually dead and also prone to physical death. We, the human race, inherited Adam's sinful nature and are thus spiritually dead and incapable of fellowship with [...]

Herbal Sleep Remedies

If you've got insomnia that's caused by stress or if you've been working late too much, you can try a cup of herbal tea. There are different herbs you can use for this purpose. Catnip (Nepeta cataria) Not just for cats, this acts as a mild sedative which should help you sleep. Chamomile (Matricaria recutita) [...]

How to get rid of pink eye

Pink eye (also called conjunctivitis), occurs when the material that covers the white part of the eye becomes irritated or inflamed. This results in itching, lots of tearing, and pain. The contagious forms of pink eye are usually caused by bacterial or viral infections. Non-contagious forms of pink eye can be caused by various irritants, [...]

The Doctrine of the Atonement (part 4) - God's Plan for Salvation

When God created Adam and Eve, they were created in His "image," i.e. they had God's spiritual life and could have fellowship with Him. When they sinned, they became spiritually dead and also prone to physical death. We, the human race, inherited Adam's sinful nature and are thus spiritually dead and incapable of fellowship with [...]

The Doctrine of the Atonement (part 3) - God's Plan for Salvation

When God created Adam and Eve, they were created in His "image," i.e. they had God's spiritual life and could have fellowship with Him. When they sinned, they became spiritually dead and also prone to physical death. We, the human race, inherited Adam's sinful nature and are thus spiritually dead and incapable of fellowship with [...]

The Doctrine of the Atonement (part 2) - God's Plan for Salvation

When God created Adam and Eve, they were created in His "image," i.e. they had God's spiritual life and could have fellowship with Him. When they sinned, they became spiritually dead and also prone to physical death. We, the human race, inherited Adam's sinful nature and are thus spiritually dead and incapable of fellowship with [...]

The Doctrine of the Atonement (part 1) - God's Plan for Salvation

When God created Adam and Eve, they were created in His "image," i.e. they had God's spiritual life and could have fellowship with Him. When they sinned, they became spiritually dead and also prone to physical death. We, the human race, inherited Adam's sinful nature and are thus spiritually dead and incapable of fellowship with [...]

The Person and Work of Christ (part 3)

To combat heresy, the orthodox church had to define their beliefs. However, some beliefs cannot be adequately defined in words; resulting in half-truths. Therefore it is vital to examine Biblical teaching in order to arrive at the truth. The person and work of Christ can be explored under three headings: 1. Divinity and Sonship 2. [...]

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