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How to make fritters - several easy recipes

Fritters are basically small pancakes. The batter is often mixed with fruit, vegetables or meat before frying. The plain, standard fritter is also known as a crumpet. Crumpets Ingredients: 1 cup flour pinch of salt 1 egg 180 ml milk 15 ml (3 t) baking powder Method: Break the egg into an electric mixer and [...]

The Modern Pentecostal Revival

Pentecostalism represents a fourth major strand of Christianity, alongside Orthodoxy, Roman Catholicism and Protestantism. It accepts the orthodox Protestant beliefs, but insists that baptism in the Spirit can and must be experienced today by believers, just as the disciples experienced it at Pentecost. Therefore this baptism must be accompanied by the initial evidence of "glossolalia," [...]

How to draw a body: female

Someone once asked me to do a body tutorial and I thought it was like asking an architect to explain how to draw a building. You get big buildings, small buildings, skyscrapers, shacks, office buildings, homes, theaters, museums, castles, palaces, churches, temples and who knows what else. The human body varies from person to person [...]

Jesus as the Word of God – Greek ‘Logos’

John 1:1-3 In the beginning was the Word (the Logos), and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him (the Logos), and without Him nothing was made that was made. NKJV Introduction Of all the inspired writers of the New [...]

How to get rid of heartburn

Heartburn is caused by getting stomach acid into the esophagus. The symptoms include having a burning sensation in your throat, a bad acid taste in your mouth, and lots of burping. Heartburn can be caused by eating too fast or eating certain foods that cause heartburn. If you wake up in the middle of the [...]

Using coconut oil to treat acne

Natural treatments for acne are becoming much more commonplace these days. This is because some of the chemical based treatments can actually aggravate acne in some cases, so by using natural treatments only, if it doesn't make the acne better, at least it also won't make it worse. And besides, it's usually cheaper and at [...]

Home remedies for gout

What is gout? Gout is is caused by uric acid crystal deposits in your joints, which causes pain and inflammation to occur. The pain can be sudden and intense for a few days, and then go away again. The periods with pain are called gout. The joints swell up and the area may turn reddish [...]

How to draw a wing

A friend asked me the other day how she should go about drawing angelic wings. To try to explain it through Skype was perhaps not the best idea - as her vague "uhs" and "okays" indicated. So here's a better idea: a tutorial, complete with illustrations. For this tutorial we'll be using a bird's wings [...]

The Doctrine of the Atonement (part 6) - God's Plan for Salvation

When God created Adam and Eve, they were created in His "image," i.e. they had God's spiritual life and could have fellowship with Him. When they sinned, they became spiritually dead and also prone to physical death. We, the human race, inherited Adam's sinful nature and are thus spiritually dead and incapable of fellowship with [...]