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How to make pancakes - three easy recipes for savoury pancakes

Pancakes are enjoyed all over the world: in America they are eaten for breakfast, drenched with maple syrup; in France they are served for dessert, their famous Crêpe Suzette; in South Africa, every fair worth its name has a pancake-stall where they are offered sprinkled with cinnamon-sugar and rolled up. The most important thing for [...]

Tips to Prevent and Remove Cat Urine

I can't imagine not living with cats but I can't take living with the smell of cat pee! Over the years I've had my fair share of rebellious felines who think that my plants make a good bathroom or perhaps find a nice cozy spot near the curtains that they somehow think I won't see. [...]

How Accurate is an Personality Career Test?

Most every career assessment test out there is made by professionals and often provides key information regarding your career orientation. Thanks to modern technology and the internet, you can now take this test from your computer, provided the fact that you have an internet connection. The career test is even more complete than a regular [...]

The Dead Sea Scrolls

When in May 1955 the American magazine, 'The New Yorker', published the first full report on the Dead Sea Scrolls, the attention of the world was caught on an unprecedented scale. Everything written about them became instant bestsellers. As reports of more discoveries were made, interest was kept alive and the public demanded more and [...]

Banana Cake Recipe

Over the years as I have tried to bake banana loaf - as it was known to me - I've come to expect a dry, flat result. It had to be rescued by lots of butter. Then I came across this banana cake recipe, and decided to try it. What a difference! A lovely, moist [...]

The Different Types of Common Sleeping Disorders

Lack of sleep is a problem that has continued to grow out of control in the past few years.  People's lives and schedules get busier and more demanding, but there are still the same amount of hours in a day.  Increased stress and anxiety from this type of life style has also found its way [...]