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Choosing The Best Omega Supplements

When choosing a essential fatty acid (Omega 3) supplement there are a few things to remember. 1. the actual over-all amount of fatty acid contained in the capsule isn't all that important. 2. always look at the DHA vs EPA ratios 3. make sure the fish source is stated specifically 4. make sure the fish [...]

How to Force Steam to Cancel a game Update (Borderlands 2)

Steam is a great concept, but there are certain things about it that are really annoying from an end-user perspective. Forced updates is one of these things. My friend and I live in the same flat, and we both have Borderlands 2 on Steam. So when an update is available, my friend usually downloads it [...]

5 Basic Supplements recommended for the average jo!

Most people know it is important to take a multivitamin these days, but many don't realize that because our diets at best are good, but lacking in many essential nutrients, multivitamins are an essential supplement. Multivitamins are good, but don't provide enough of other vital vitamins and minerals that we need. Companies can either not [...]